
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

You are feeling very....different¿

What do you think of when I say hypnosis¿ Do you think of some mad scientist looking person swinging a pocket watch in front of your face as if it is a pendulum whilst everything in the background begins to swirl around like a pinwheel from another dimension?! Well admittedly before I knew what hypnotism really was, I thought just about all the same. What I have learned though is that hypnosis is not only nothing like that, but in fact it could be very beneficial to someone looking for change in their life that would only come by tapping into their own subconscious. Hypnosis is meant to be a relaxing and safe way to hack your brain to produce positive results on a conscious level by subconsciously tackling whatever ales you. The best way to self hypnotize yourself in basic terms would be to get as comfortable as possible. This means to set the mood so that there are no distractions hindering your ability to relax and focus. Certain factors include surrounding temperatures. A great way to assure pure comfort in regard to temperature is to purchase and of course wear this nifty hoodie that I may or may not be shamefully pushing on you, it guarantees maximum comfort as well as absolute display of intellectual privy . Besides attempting to achieve a goal such as to quit smoking or to correct body image issues, another great benefit of hypnosis is simply a state of relaxation or better yet the meditative state you enter when attempting to hypnotize yourself. A great starting point to learning how to hypnotize ones self is to utilize this tool as it gives a more in depth description on the hypnosis process for beginners --->
Click Here!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Today will be a recap of sorts of some of the various random topics I have covered throughout the existence of my blog. Just a refresher as to what my blog is all about would be simply defined as a blog about anything and everything related to furthering knowledge, intellect, positivity and all things relating to self-identification.
Firstly I would like to direct your attention to my very first post ( Besides having a special place in my heart as being the first post I made on a blog, ever, it also lays the groundwork for how I view life itself. The next post I would like to bring back from the grave would be what I believe to be one of the most important posts I have made yet, mainly due to the fact that it emphasizes the importance of the simple question that is why? ( Why is such a powerful statement in my opinion and it should be asked more, of course in proper context as you should not just blatantly ask why for the sake of doing so.
Lastly I am going to refer you to one of my recent lengthy posts in which I attempt to give a proposal on solving the world’s societal issues through the absence of affiliation and the forgoing of allegiance ( This post while being a bit overly optimistic is actually an idea I came up with a while back and I figured this would be the best outlet to share it through.
Well there you have it, a handful of some of my more pronounced posts that I feel you should read if you missed them, or even re-read if you’d like.

Time to analyze ¿ thus far

I have now posted a decent amount of content since I first started and I must say it is an interesting feeling talking to potentially no one or anyone at all for that matter. I have been able to express myself in a very different way than I have in the past as this is my first go around with the whole blogging thing. Since I do have a fairly decent amount of content in the form of posts, I think it is only fair to analyze or better yet sum up what I have been more or less talking about (preaching if we are being honest here).

            As you may have come to realize by reading my posts, they’re one part mysterious and one part extremely random. My goal is to not have a specific direction other than to provide advice that I believe to be intellectual in nature. My definition of intellect more than likely greatly deviates from the proper definition or at least the widely accepted one but I do not fret upon such irrelevancies as I am merely providing you a peak into the way my brain operates. The culmination of my entire blog can easily be summed up in just that: a glimpse into the mind of ¿ It may not make sense, it may even make me look silly, but to the nay sayers out there I have one thing to say to you: “This is a test, designed to provoke an emotional response, are you ready to begin”¿

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Unorthodox Review ¿

Today I will be giving a bit of an unorthodox review. I will be reviewing my four years of college. Now just to clarify, this will not just be a review based on academia but rather a review on how college has changed me as a person. 
When I went into college, of course I knew it all and no one could change my ways of thinking. I even went as far as to boldly claim that the way I thought as an 18 year old was the way I would think for the rest of my life as my mother often challenged my thought process with the notion that I would more than likely change my mind and views on the world. Sure enough fast forward about a year and many peculiar decisions and interactions later to my sophomore year where I began to take notice of things around me. I noticed that my education was merely a compilation of the same old methods: cram for a test, realize most if not all the information will never be used again, repeat. I noticed the people around me were going through the same cycles and never stopped to question why. Fast forward another year and a tremendously difficult break up along with months of finding myself and I began to notice more on a wide scale, things wrong in the world and an urge to want to do something about it. I began to notice emotions and patterns in people. Over the course of my four years in college, I transitioned from being self absorbed to self aware. I can only thank college for this enlightening phase as I firmly believe entering the adult world of 9-5 directly after high-school would mean to forgo this, despite my slight resentment for the education I was receiving.

To conclude my review I am reluctant to recommend spending absurd amounts of money for what we refer to as a traditional education, however, I do believe it was the best thing that could have ever happened to me as a person.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Must read link¿

As someone who struggles to accept the notion that “higher education” always results in a smarter individual, I have for you today a very interesting link to an article pertaining to such a notion( This article discusses how Ernst and young has decided to remove their degree classification entry criteria when considering hiring new recruits. Do not be fooled, this in no way insinuates that they will allow anybody to work for them, instead what this means is that they will be using other resources other than the typical GPA to determine whether a candidate is fit for employment. They will analyze the potential employee using online tests and will also use their past academic history in unison in order to determine as well. The message they are trying ot convey is that they do not believe academic history should be the sole qualification for obtaining a job with them, as well as academic history being a hindrance to job employment. The reason I decided to link this is that I believe it is not only very important as well as relevant to my blog, but I also believe other companies should move towards this method. It is sad to think that a determining factor in acquiring a job or just gauging general intelligence specifically comes down to GPA. I know a great deal of people who are incredibly smart, yet either struggled in school or decided to opt out of schooling at some point. The same goes for incredibly dumb people who have gone through years of schooling. The moral of this post is that knowledge comes from many other aspects in life other than school, and it is amazing to finally see a business adopting this train of though when considering new hires.