
The future: what do you see¿

When you look to the future, what do you see? Do you ever actually think about the future? Not just your future, but also THE future. Do you see flying cars? What about aliens or robots amongst us?  I’ll tell you what I see. I see a very bleak future. I see a future in which we as humans will have inevitably caused our own demise through a multitude of different actions as well as a long history of inaction. I get that I may sound like Mr. doom and gloom, but could you really blame me? Seeing what goes on around us on a daily basis, the hatred, the tragedies, the disinformation, the overwhelming selfishness and greed. All of these things absolutely plague us as a society and provide us with a very vivid picture as to what is to come if we do not change our ways. So, what exactly am I getting at? Although I love to keep the suspense going, I will enlighten you as to why I am writing about this. I am going to propose my best efforts attempt at solving the problem that is a failing society. Before you judge me too harshly, I get that it is unequivocally simple to come up with my own idea as to how to fix society. However, I am not naïve. I understand that it would take an extraordinary amount of work as well as time to accomplish such a task, but I am willing to propose my idea in hopes that either someone out there feels similar or perhaps someone out there may take notice and use my ideas in their far better structured hypothesis as to how to go about achieving the impossible. That being said please take this as nothing more than a suggestion on how to solve a very real problem: the inevitable demise of society.
            First and foremost I believe the biggest hindrance to society is and will continue to be our need for affiliation. I understand that territorially speaking the need to for affiliation is somewhat necessary, however, I think moving forward into the future taking into consideration potential further space exploration and tremendous discoveries of intelligent life that may occur we need to start transitioning from our point of origin being a simple destination on earth such as a country to it being earth in general. What I mean by that is instead of us saying we are, for example, from the United States or from Europe etc. we should instead start moving toward the mindset that we are just from Earth. I get that if we traveled to another planet and interacted with intelligent beings we would obviously state our planet of origin, but in reality your allegiance is more than likely sworn to a specific country rather than Earth itself as a whole. So in the attempt to ditch affiliation we must also forgo our allegiance to our native countries in unison. There is nothing wrong with being proud of where you came from, but when you really stop and think about it does it actually matter if you are from Chicago, New York or Beijing on a grand scale? I would have to say no, it really does not. We are from Earth. We are Earthlings. In order to come together as one we must actually begin to see each other as one. We cannot simply say we are all brothers and sisters yet this person is from here and that person is from there, brothers and sisters share the same home. Now sure you can quite easily pick apart the analogy I just provided you by saying “well homes have rooms, therefore home is Earth the rooms are just the countries”. At least that is how I would combat what I just said. But to negate that notion, or better yet challenge it I would say that does division in any sense not cause strife between people? Some people truly believe that America is the best place in the entire world. Others think that Europe is. A lot of bias backs each one of those sentiments I’m sure but would you say that each leads credence to an elitist mentality which is something that could flounder into less peaceful interactions with one another.
            The goal moving forward towards an as close as possible utopian society has peace in mind. Ditching affiliation and unnecessarily obtrusive allegiance is only my first proposed step. The next step is to advocate absolute peace and compassion. To teach it to our children rather than make excuses for violence. Knowledge and compassion are both key in order to promote the growth of peace globally. Those 2 key traits are sorely lacking in most people today and it is very apparent when considering how alive and well racial tensions are as well as the sheer lack of intelligence found in most people. 

            Inaction is profound in society concerning any type of issue. Whether it be global warming or exactly what I have mentioned in this lengthy post regarding how we interact with one another, it is very evident that most people would rather do nothing and mind their own business rather than make a change. This is simply a proposal, a work in progress on how to combat the inevitable fall of society. If we are to continue doing nothing, put no steps into effect now, then when it is to late and we are already completely divided as a people, what happens when a major global catastrophe occurs? Will we then magically be able to unite and actually STAY united? Unfortunately as it stands now I do not believe we would be able to do that. I would like to close my eyes and imagine a future in which violence is rare and peace is the unified language of all peoples on Earth. A future where a great many people are wearing this hat(jokes...unless you want one then by all means!).Call me a dreamer, call me an idealist, call me whatever you’d like. I believe it is possible. All we need to do is do. I shall leave you with this question: are you willing¿

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