
Don't just buy this, utilize it.

 I mentioned in an earlier post of mine how you can change the world one small step at a time. What if it were possible to do so without putting forth much effort at all? What if there was a way to spread awareness for something that could inspire change in a multitude of ways simply by just incorporating it subtly throughout your daily life? Well, I have a way that this can be done if you look past the fact that I am now going to shamelessly sell you on a product that I am selling. Now I can already sense how eager you are to find out what I am trying to push on you, well forgive me for being a bit underwhelming but it is this phone case. Now what sets this phone case aside from many MANY other phone cases on the market today? Since I believe in full transparency and I would hate to fill you with hot air as I respect my fellow intellectuals the answer is not much at all. In fact, the only two things setting it aside from other phone cases on the market is honestly that I am the one selling it, and the artwork plastered on it. Now that I have fully dissuaded you from buying this product by blatantly disregarding any and all uniqueness of the product, allow me to delve deeper into why I firmly encourage purchasing and using it!
                Is this phone case special in comparison to other phone cases in terms of protection? No. In fact it offers standard protection compared to others on the market. Is it as flashy or cool as other phone cases that are offered on the market? Well, that is a bit subjective but if I had to give my honest opinion then no it is not. But does any of that matter? In the wise words of the outstanding sales person Jordan Belfort “Absolutely f$%#@&g not”! What truly matters is the message and power the phone case can convey to any person interested enough to inquire about it after seeing it for themselves. Whether they see it in passing, a friend questions why you have that rather droll case, or maybe you are just sitting with someone and decide to bring it up yourself. Regardless of the method in which it is observed, the fact of the matter is it will undoubtedly spark conversation once seen. Why do I know this? Well due to the fact that it is in fact NOT flashy and is rather bland people will question why you have it in the first place based off that alone. Now if I was personally asked, being the sarcastic troll that I am, I would immediately quip back with “I find it quite fashionable to be perfectly honest”. Of course I would then go into detail as to the true reasoning behind why I am rocking a plain phone case with the word intellectual slapped on it in scrabble font.
                 My true intention as to why I would use this case and why you should to, is to do what any similar type of product would attempt to do and that is to spread awareness and invoke conversation of any kind. So how would this scenario take place? Glad you were wondering as I will explain in detail how I see this going down. Person walks up and being to question you about your peculiar phone case. You now have their attention and thus have free reign to discuss what you would like to and what the case or rather the message means to you. Due to the case’s ambiguity, you are allowed to go anywhere with your explanation, however I believe the most effective situation would be that you wish to meet other like-minded intellectuals or would like to inspire the person inquiring about your nifty case to become more of an intellectual themselves.
                Why do this though? Why go through all that trouble just to get someone to ask you something that you can easily explain to them right off the bat? Well, there’s a few reasons why this approach to spreading awareness is a lot more effective and cognitively sound than blatantly explaining your cause or message to an unaware individual. For starters, I believe the most important reason is that you are giving this person the power of choice in the form of choosing to seek out an answer rather than forcing it upon them unwillingly. If they were truly intrigued or thirsty for an explanation that is not immediately apparent, then in my opinion they have maximum potential for becoming an intellectual. If you remember an earlier post of mine, I covered how the most powerful question you can ask and one that every intellectual should become familiar with asking is why, which is precisely what this person is doing. Another reason why this is effective plays on from that same notion of allowing them to ask for themselves, even if they are not willing to accept your message or provide it any credence you did cause them to think or process the information on an intellectual level unbeknownst to them. So regardless of their acceptance of the message you have effectively carried out your intended goal all by allowing a stranger or acquaintance to ask a question and process the information themselves and come to their own conclusion.
                To wrap this up I would like to greatly emphasize my true intentions here. I do not simply wish to make money off of my fellow people, although that is an added benefit nonetheless. I do not intend to assure your phones safety, as it quite obvious it will provide a basic form of protection but no more than your average phone case. My only intention is to spark conversation in any form or fashion which will, in my mind, lead to inspiring more intellectuals to come to fruition.

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