
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Unorthodox Review ¿

Today I will be giving a bit of an unorthodox review. I will be reviewing my four years of college. Now just to clarify, this will not just be a review based on academia but rather a review on how college has changed me as a person. 
When I went into college, of course I knew it all and no one could change my ways of thinking. I even went as far as to boldly claim that the way I thought as an 18 year old was the way I would think for the rest of my life as my mother often challenged my thought process with the notion that I would more than likely change my mind and views on the world. Sure enough fast forward about a year and many peculiar decisions and interactions later to my sophomore year where I began to take notice of things around me. I noticed that my education was merely a compilation of the same old methods: cram for a test, realize most if not all the information will never be used again, repeat. I noticed the people around me were going through the same cycles and never stopped to question why. Fast forward another year and a tremendously difficult break up along with months of finding myself and I began to notice more on a wide scale, things wrong in the world and an urge to want to do something about it. I began to notice emotions and patterns in people. Over the course of my four years in college, I transitioned from being self absorbed to self aware. I can only thank college for this enlightening phase as I firmly believe entering the adult world of 9-5 directly after high-school would mean to forgo this, despite my slight resentment for the education I was receiving.

To conclude my review I am reluctant to recommend spending absurd amounts of money for what we refer to as a traditional education, however, I do believe it was the best thing that could have ever happened to me as a person.

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