
Thursday, October 1, 2015

¿'s Top 3 Things Budding Intellectuals Should Attempt To Do

1. Find yourself
         “What am I lost or something?!”, yeah maybe. How would you know if you do not attempt to actively find yourself? Piggybacking off my last post about clearing your head, have you ever stopped and truly asked yourself “who am I” with all the hustle and bustle of every day life going on around you? I would be willing to bet you have not. So, take a few minutes (preferably after clearing your head however you choose to) and contemplate who you really are. Then ask yourself, “do I like who I am”?

2. Make some sort of impact on the world
         Now this may seem a bit irrational as you may be wondering how little ol you could possibly do that. However, making a change in the world does not necessarily have to be on a grand scale. Small gestures of compassion, kindness and understanding could make just as much impact as would going to a rally for your favorite cause. In a way it would be like paying it forward except the actual display of any of those three mentioned qualities could perhaps rub off on another which could then rub off on another and so on and so forth. The easiest impact you can make on the world is simply by striving to be the best you you can be.

3. Experience life, don’t just live it.
         Yes, this seems extremely…flower power-ish but seriously this is the most important out of the three. I cannot stress enough how important it is to actually experience the life your living rather than just living it out. If that means to stop each day for a few moments and just fully take it all in, fine. If it means to get up, pack your bags and just take off, fine. Just do more than just live, experience this life because unfortunately we only get one go around with life. Unless you believe in re-incarnation, which in that case kudos to you and ill see you on the other side.

Until next time my fellow beings ¿

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