
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

DIDI: Dream it, do it

Throughout my life I have come to realize as well as have been told that I am in fact, a dreamer. I prefer idealist, but I digress. I have long resented this characteristic due to the desire to be a doer, however, I have come to terms with the fact that this is not necessarily something to be ashamed of. In fact, I am now proud of this trait I possess as I have just now begun to realize the potential of this trait. The reason I have seen the awesome potential is derived from a bit of advice I discovered from this article pertaining to dreamers. Referencing specifically number 3 on the list, it encourages the dreamers of the world to seek out natural born doers and collaborate with them taking advantage of each trait you have to offer. I realized that instead of fighting what I am, it is better to utilize what I’ve got and fill in the gaps by finding those possessing the doer mentality in order to materialize what I concoct within the confines of my complex noggin. Don’t fret doers! This same method can very well be geared toward you by seeking out those possessing a dreamer’s mentality. The best way to accomplish success using this method would be to have the dreamer quite literally spill out the contents of their brain, detail by detail, and allow the doer to do their thing. Find the ying to your yang and you will be shocked at the amount of limitations eliminated from your path to success!

Monday, November 30, 2015

Destination: Anywhere

The world as we know it is rather large to say the least. If you think about it, the area in which you currently reside is pretty big. Imagine how long it would take you to traverse the state you live in in its entirety. It would probably take quite some time. I’ve mentioned it before in an earlier post about how life is about experiencing things. One thing worth experiencing is the world around you in all of its glory. While I encourage you to get familiar with the state, province or just general area you may live in, I would like you to think bigger than that. In fact, if you live in the states, venture off to another neighboring state when you find the time. Take a trip. Take many trips. Take small trips. Take big trips. The point is that life is very short in retrospect and if it is all about experiencing things then the best way to go about doing so is immersing yourself in unfamiliar territory. I get that big time intercontinental travel may have its limitations due to such things as work or finances, however, there are other options available such as what I mentioned above in traveling close to you. There are a plethora of opportunities and experiences waiting for you out there in this big blue ball we call earth; I challenge you to make this big blue ball a lot smaller for yourself.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Goals, goals, goals...

If you are like most people, you want to make the most out of each and every day. You want to wake up with the intent to accomplish something or work towards something. If not, I highly encourage you adopt this mindset. With that being said I will provide a simple way of doing so. For starters think of a long-term goal that you would like to achieve. Whether it be traveling to another country, or competing in an event that you are interested in but currently are not prepared for. Now that you have a rough idea of that long-term goal, start to break it down in realistic steps that you can chip away at day by day. Now that you have a goal in mind and an idea of what it takes daily to reach said goal, you are almost done! Now, think right now of a goal you can accomplish throughout the day after reading this. Something simple such as drinking a set amount of water to taking the stairs more than you usually would. This may seem a bit silly but the reality is while you are working toward your long term goal day by day, you need something that you can say you accomplished at the end of each day so that you truly do feel a sense of accomplishment while at the same time piecing together your ultimate accomplishment which is your long term goal. Doing these two things in unison each day gives you a defined purpose despite what you may be going through each day whether it is a good day or a bad one. Accomplish something everyday, because we only have a finite amount of days to do so.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


I cannot emphasize how unbelievably powerful and valuable the human mind is. The mere visualization of the mind alone is a figment of each and every person’s imagination as it does not possess its own physical characteristics yet it still possesses a massive amount of power. The human mind has shaped the world as we know it. From the technology we use, to the entertainment we occupy our time with, the human mind can be attributed to a great deal of things that we hold dear. Knowing all of this, how important would you say it is to constantly utilize this powerful tool? Well, I would have to say it is of the utmost importance to do so if you wish to achieve your full potential in life. Maximize your life by broadening your mind. Explore things you know nothing about, dream big and use your knowledge base to accomplish amazing feats. The power of the mind is only limited by the one who controls it. Control your mind, assure its proper health any way possible. The human mind has the ability to overcome the impossible, if you are willing to push it past its typical threshold. Use your mind in everything you do in life. The saying goes to follow your heart, but I believe you should follow your mind as it knows what the entirety of your makeup needs and wants down to its deepest desires. Always remember mind over matter, mind over all. Stay intellectually thirsty my friends.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Don't be yourself...

The one time I will encourage the complete opposite of what I preach of being yourself: Halloween! There is only one time a year where it is highly encouraged to be anything but yourself (within legal and moral parameters). It can be quite the tiresome feat to be able to be wholly yourself for 364 consecutive days in a year, trust me I struggle with it daily. That being said, there is one time a year where you can be whoever your heart desires whether that be your favorite cartoon character or what you perceive to be considered a hero. I personally love to go all out on Halloween when it comes to nailing a specific character, whether it involves being familiar with that characters signature pose to the way they talk all the way down to hair color, if necessary. Should you dye your hair in order to perfect the ultimate costume? Well, I personally see nothing wrong with it however keep in mind you will have to unfortunately come back to the realm of reality in the very near future and not everyone is on board with pulling out all the stops on Halloween. Now once you have achieved the ultimate costume it is now time to play the part. Fully embrace the character you are attempting to be. Remember, you ordinarily are boring bob who has quite different characteristics from the character you are portraying so be sure to BE the character, don’t just wear the costume (Sorry for any Bobs I may have offended). In closing the last bit of advice I have is this, start thinking of a costume now or at least early on. Don’t be that guy or girl who waits until the last minute and throws on the most clichĆ© costume there is. While there is nothing wrong with having a clichĆ© costume, just know that this is your opportunity to not be yourself and that is for once the goal here!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

You are feeling very....different¿

What do you think of when I say hypnosis¿ Do you think of some mad scientist looking person swinging a pocket watch in front of your face as if it is a pendulum whilst everything in the background begins to swirl around like a pinwheel from another dimension?! Well admittedly before I knew what hypnotism really was, I thought just about all the same. What I have learned though is that hypnosis is not only nothing like that, but in fact it could be very beneficial to someone looking for change in their life that would only come by tapping into their own subconscious. Hypnosis is meant to be a relaxing and safe way to hack your brain to produce positive results on a conscious level by subconsciously tackling whatever ales you. The best way to self hypnotize yourself in basic terms would be to get as comfortable as possible. This means to set the mood so that there are no distractions hindering your ability to relax and focus. Certain factors include surrounding temperatures. A great way to assure pure comfort in regard to temperature is to purchase and of course wear this nifty hoodie that I may or may not be shamefully pushing on you, it guarantees maximum comfort as well as absolute display of intellectual privy . Besides attempting to achieve a goal such as to quit smoking or to correct body image issues, another great benefit of hypnosis is simply a state of relaxation or better yet the meditative state you enter when attempting to hypnotize yourself. A great starting point to learning how to hypnotize ones self is to utilize this tool as it gives a more in depth description on the hypnosis process for beginners --->
Click Here!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Today will be a recap of sorts of some of the various random topics I have covered throughout the existence of my blog. Just a refresher as to what my blog is all about would be simply defined as a blog about anything and everything related to furthering knowledge, intellect, positivity and all things relating to self-identification.
Firstly I would like to direct your attention to my very first post ( Besides having a special place in my heart as being the first post I made on a blog, ever, it also lays the groundwork for how I view life itself. The next post I would like to bring back from the grave would be what I believe to be one of the most important posts I have made yet, mainly due to the fact that it emphasizes the importance of the simple question that is why? ( Why is such a powerful statement in my opinion and it should be asked more, of course in proper context as you should not just blatantly ask why for the sake of doing so.
Lastly I am going to refer you to one of my recent lengthy posts in which I attempt to give a proposal on solving the world’s societal issues through the absence of affiliation and the forgoing of allegiance ( This post while being a bit overly optimistic is actually an idea I came up with a while back and I figured this would be the best outlet to share it through.
Well there you have it, a handful of some of my more pronounced posts that I feel you should read if you missed them, or even re-read if you’d like.