

Hello there, welcome to A.L.A.D or Anonymous life advice discussion. Because who doesn’t need A lad from time to time¡

Mission: To provide universal intellectual explanations, suggestions and discussion to a wide range of topics and issues faced.

“Smart people ask how, intellectuals understand the how and then ask why”

The objective of this blog is honestly very simple. I want to talk about various topics that may or may not have anything to do with each other and provide advice to the best of my ability. My posts will be incredibly random and hopefully will spark some sort of internal dialogue(external is always welcome) and my wish is to at least make you the reader go “Hmm” at least once. The reason I am choosing this avenue as well is that the way my brain works is very unique in my opinion in that it is CONSTANTLY analyzing many things around me both on a large scale as well as directly affecting me and I am always thinking and therefore my brain is always moving. Either that or I have attention deficit disorder. So my solution to this (slight) problem¿ Get it all out there and discuss what is currently on my mind in hopes that someone out there male or female, young or old, African American or French can relate in some way and take something away from what I am discussing and maybe even change their way of how they thought about something. My biggest aspiration in life is to see a world full of intelligent people who can use their intellect to propel our society into a state of peace, because I personally directly correlate peace with heightened intelligence.

While I am not very keen on revealing who I am (as if it would matter anyway) due to the fact that it’d eliminate the mysterious persona I have so haphazardly created for myself, I will say that I am 110% open to the idea of you contacting me if you truly feel the need. Whether it is to berate me for content I may have posted that you were not fond of or if it is that you just need a friend to further discuss what may be on your mind and therefore my email is You can email me or you can feel free to comment on any of my posts¡ Brownie points to whoever is able to tell me what my acronym of an email means(excluding the 1994 as that may or may not be the year I was born).

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