Over the course of the short-lived
existence of my blog I have provided you with general steps that I feel one
should take in order to head down a path in becoming an intellectual. Lets face
it though this is coming from me. Who am I¿ I am in no way qualified to dictate
what it takes to be a true intellectual individual. Besides that being a rather
obvious statement, I know this for a fact, as I am ostensibly a flawed
individual. So therefore if I am flawed how could I possibly have the audacity
to take on the reins of providing you with insight on being an intellectual?
Well the answer is rather bleak; I do so only because this is what has allowed
me to become more of an intellectual. However, the fact of the matter is
becoming an intellectual is truly a journey within ones self. If anything, in
my humble opinion one never becomes a full-blown intellectual, as it is a
never-ending journey of sorts. You constantly make strides to become the
ultimate intellectual day by day, which in doing so grants you the title of a
conscious intellectual mainly because you are constantly self-improving.
It is hard
to derive a specific starting point to determine whether you are on the right
path to becoming a true intellectual despite my providing of basic steps to
take. That being said, if there was a specific starting point or goal to
achieve in order to assure this enlightening status is bestowed upon you it
would be the breakthrough in ones conscious through full self-awareness. By
definition self-awareness entails being aware of what makes you truly you. Take
it from someone who has been and is still in the throws of being aware of what
makes me who I am, this is no simple task and should not be undermined nor
should it be forcefully expedited. This is a rather delicate process, which
requires truly becoming familiar with who you are. Now I cannot give you a
definitive answer as to how to go about properly finding yourself, but I will
give my best attempt to point you in the right direction.
yourself requires true familiarity with ones self. Therefore, this means asking
whether or not you actually know yourself in full detail. Okay, I get that I
presented you with quite the conundrum but it is not necessarily that hard to
dissect what makes you tick. Ask yourself, what gets you going? What motivates
you? What inspires you? How do you feel about hot button issues? What are your
views on the world and how it works?
What are your views on the universe? To quote an excellent movie that
being Bladerunner “This is a test, designed to provoke an emotional response.
Shall we continue”? Figure out all the things that provoke an emotional
response from you in your day to day life, truly come up with as many things as
possible. Then examine exactly what type of emotional response it is provoking.
Once you have done this and have a general idea of what sways you one way or
another, you are almost there.
Now comes
the interestingly tricky part. What happens if you are not necessarily
comfortable with the emotional responses you did receive? What if, due to the
fact that this is a new discovery to you, you are ashamed or a little upset
about who you may be? Well, I am not going to outright tell you the fluffy
cliché response of “just accept yourself for you” as that would be improper of
me. But I will say this, attempting to fight who you are is a path you do not
want to go down; take it from someone with experience (reference my dreamer
blog post). It may take some time, heck it may take forever, but with a little
bit of patience and a lot of general understanding you will be able to
comfortably accept yourself when you realize that you are the way you are
because that is how you have formed. No it is not your destiny, as I do not
believe in predetermined lives. Instead, your upbringing, your surroundings,
your friends, family, experiences etc. have made you the way you are. Now, I
will throw a clause in there in that if you truly know for certainty that there
are some things you do wish to change because it will do nothing but benefit
you, then by all means attempt to go about changing it. But if it is a major
character trait be weary in doing so.
You have
now become self aware, you have also found yourself and hopefully you have
accepted what you have found within yourself. Now what? Use it. Embrace it. Let
it be the force that drives you towards success. Enlighten others, encourage
others to do the same thing you have done but in their own way. It is not about
imposing your will on another, it is about aiding them in becoming what you can
now proudly claim to be, an intellectual. If you feel so compelled to thank me
for providing you with this poor mans knowledge on how to become an
intellectual (no hard feelings if you don’t) all that I ask is that you use
what I have provided you to do exactly what I have done here. Spread this. Manipulate
it however you see fit so long as the general idea is still there, I do not
mind in the slightest. My only intended goal in providing you with this is that
one day I hope to see many more enlightened intellectuals gracing our planet,
seeking out truth and understanding. What a beautiful day that will be. The question
I will present unto you is this; are you ready to accept the mantle that is
being a true intellect¿
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